Monday, September 30, 2019

Critically Examine the Trend and Size of Poverty in Hong Kong

No city in the world is as ironic and contradictory as Hong Kong. This city has not only the 6th highest per capita GDP, but also the highest Gini coefficient in the world (World Bank, 2011). Fortunately, the Hong Kong government isn’t turning a blind eye towards this dilemma but are instead actively looking for a trade-off between economic performance and social welfare. One notable example is the re-establishment of the Commission on Poverty, it is hoped that a clearly-defined poverty line will shed a new light into the poverty situation in Hong Kong.Another important policy in recent years is the implementation of minimum wage law, which has been in effect for two years aiming to guarantee a basic wage for low-income workers, however its effect on overall employment level in Hong Kong is still to be determined. In this essay, I will first examine the overall trend and size of poverty in Hong Kong, then move on to assess the effectiveness of the present social security syste m, as well as the minimum wage in eradicating poverty in Hong Kong. Poverty, is an ambiguous term especially in Hong Kong.The United Nations places the benchmark for poverty as living under a monthly income less than or equal to half of the median household income of equal size households. This is the definition that the Commission on Poverty is likely to adopt. But before the launch of official poverty line people are considered poor only if they apply for Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA), which eligibility is largely determined by nominal income. As a result, the number of people applying for CSSA decreased after minimum wage law has been imposed.In this essay therefore, I will adopt the UN definition of poverty in examining its trend and size in Hong Kong. Poverty rate up to the year 2011 was the lowest since that of 2001. Before 2011, there had been an overall increasing trend in both the number of households living in poverty as well as the poverty rate. In this sense, 2011 can be seen as a watershed year; the poverty rate plummeted to 17. 1% when compared to 17. 9% in the previous year, which meant a reduction of 55000 people suffering from poverty.Additionally, the total number of poor households had been rising from 2001 to 2007, but this trend started to decline from then on. The total number of poor households in 2011 was 444,000, when compared with that of the years 2007 and 2010; there had been a reduction of 11,000 and 7000 households respectively. In spite of the declining poverty trend and size, income disparity in Hong Kong has been worsening. In the year 2001, the median monthly income of high-income group was $31,000 while that of low-income group was $10,000, which meant that the former was 3. 1 times that of the latter.However, this disparity continued to grow and in the year 2011, the median monthly income of the high-income group increased to $35,000, while that of the low-income group plunged to $9000, which meant that the high-income group had a monthly income 3. 5 times more than that of the low-income group. In brief, it is undeniable that the declining trend and size of poverty has been promising, but that was largely due to the thriving economy instead of governmental efforts, at the same time, the income gap has been widening despite the implementation of minimum wage law.These statistics all indicate that the current social policies are inadequate in eliminating the imminent threat of poverty. The social security system in Hong Kong is a three-tier system consisting of social assistance and social allowance in the form of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance and Old Age Allowance, mandated occupational pension in the form of Mandatory Provident Fund as well as private saving. In the remaining part of the essay, the effectiveness of the above social security policies in lifting poverty will be assessed one by one.The Comprehensive Social Security Assistance was renamed after the Public Assi stance Scheme in 1993 has the sole purpose to provide â€Å"a safety net for those who cannot support themselves financially. It is designed to bring their income up to a prescribed level to meet their basic needs. † (Social Welfare Department, 2012) It is a non-contributory and means-tested scheme financed wholly by the government. CSSA payments can be broadly classified into three categories: standard rate, supplements and special grants.Standard Rates from 2012 is divided into 5 types: elderly person aged over 60 or above, ill health adult under 60, disabled child, able-bodied adult aged under 60 and able-bodied child. The amount of standard rates payable to each type differs, but they are under the same guiding principles; the standard rates for children and seniors are higher than those of the adults, rates for single individuals living alone are greater than those of family members, and rates will increase with levels of severity of disability. Tsoi, 2002) Additionally, there are five types of supplements. Long-term supplement is an annual payment to recipients who have been receiving assistance for at least 12 months for the replacement of household and durable goods. Single parent supplement is a monthly payment to single parent families with special difficulties in bringing up their families. Community living supplement is a monthly payment to old, disabled and certified ill-health CSSA recipients living in the community instead of any institutions.Transport supplement aims to promote social integration and geographical mobility by providing monthly assistance to certified 100% disabled as well as population between 12 to 64 years of age. Last but not least, the intention of the residential care supplement is to relieve the accommodation burdens of old, disabled and certified ill-health CSSA applicants who are not living in subsidised housing estates. Besides, a range of special grants are also set up to meet applicants’ special needs in cluding school fees, school-related expenses, essential traveling expenses and so on.Famous English philosopher Midgley once commented that redistributing wealth in the form of social assistance has the â€Å"most direct potential impact on the poverty problem. † She identified three necessary conditions in order to fully realize this potential, first, social assistance must be financial by progressive taxation, second, the level of benefit provided must be sufficient to raise recipients out of poverty and third, needy people must have easy access to social assistance schemes and that these schemes would not deter them from applying for help. Tsoi, 2002). With applies the above mentioned three principles to Hong Kong, it is worthy to highlight that Hong Kong only fulfilled the first condition out of the three. In the following paragraphs, the low effectiveness of the CSSA will be discussed with respect to its level of benefits, process of application as well as incentives for its recipients to reintegrate into the job market. The level of benefits by the standard rates of the CSSA cannot reflect the actual needs of its recipients, but are in fact set arbitrarily. At the oment, the standard rates of CSSA recipients are reviewed and adjusted annually by the Legislative Council to reflect the changes in Price Level by the Census and Statistics Department. The Consumption Price Index however, is a reference to the household expenditure of the 25% of the population with the lowest income. It is highly dubious as to whether the household expenditures of the poor households would be an authentic indicator and correspond to what they actually need to support their daily living. In addition, some CSSA recipients described the process of application as humiliating and intimidating.According to a joint project by the Department of Applied Social Sciences in Polytechnic University and Oxfam Hong Kong on Perception and Utilization of the CSSA in 2007, it was found t hat some recipients felt that their applications were always delayed and mishandled. Some applicants even accused the social security officers as having bad manners and lack empathy. These findings were found out after in-depth interviews and group discussion, although it is questionable as to the representativeness of the sample size, the critique to the â€Å"humiliating† application procedures must point to some bearing of truth that the CSSA recipients feel.Besides, some social workers in the study also complained that â€Å"some officers tend to insult and threaten the applicants by making unreasonable requests†. Going back to Midgley’s third condition in order to eradicate poverty which concerns the access to social security must not deter the needy from applying; the Social Services Department could clearly do a better job. Furthermore, there is always an unspoken concern that receiving CSSA would encourage a â€Å"dependency culture†, especially w hen the CSSA mechanisms do not encourage able-bodied recipients to attain economic independence.Contrary to common misconception that only able-bodied lazy people and new immigrants would apply for CSSA, most CSSA applicants, amounting to 60% (Oxfam, 2007) treat social security as the last resort to alleviate their dire financial circumstances. However, due to a lack of support services, only 8%-10% of able-bodied CSSA recipients are able to re-enter the competitive job market (Ming Pao Daily News, 2000) through the Special Job Attachment Programme. In addition, the additional cost for attempting to re-enter the job market may ut an extra toll on the families receiving CSSA, let alone some single parent’s families with insufficient child-care facilities may choose to keep on receiving welfare instead of working. In short, CSSA do not provide sufficient incentive for its recipients to re-join the work force, which is the only way to escape poverty. Another aspect of the social security system in Hong Kong is mandated occupational pension, which is in the form of Mandatory Provident Fund in Hong Kong. It is a compulsory, occupation-related scheme with defined monthly contribution by both employers and employees.The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance was passed in 2000 with the hope of strengthening the safety net and retirement protection. Contribution to the MPF is mandated to be 10% of the employee’s income with which 5% is contributed by his/her employer. Besides, the mandatory contribution is adjusted with relevance to employees’ income. After the implementation of minimum wage, the monthly relevant income is readjusted, for employees with monthly income less than $6500, only their employers are mandated to contribute 5% of relevant income, this becomes the minimum contribution.On the other hand, for employees with income higher than $25000, both employers and employees are required to contribute $1250, this becomes the maximum c ontribution. All MPF contributions will be injected into registered MPF trustee in the market chosen by the employers, but now, employees will be able to choose new MPF scheme annually based on their performance. In the following paragraphs, the limitations of the MPF scheme will be discussed including its limited coverage as well as inadequate retirement protection which undoubtedly hamper its effectiveness.As aforementioned, MPF is an employment-related protection scheme, which means that only people with long-term employment contract will receive retirement protection. The MPF only have limited coverage and do not have universal protection as people excluded from the workforce including the sick, the disabled, housewives, hawkers, domestic employees and so on are unprotected, this amount to quite a sizable portion in the population. Besides, the employers might try to evade from the mandated contributions by altering the terms of employment contract.Employers are legally bound to contribute to MPF for their employees if they are employed for more than 60 days, therefore, some employers may deliberately change the employment contract to 59 days or terminate the contract and re-employ the employees. In brief, the MPF scheme does not provided for universal protection in the sense that a significant portion of the population is left unprotected, let alone some canny employers attempt to alter the employment contract in order to avoid contributing to their employees’ retirement protection scheme.Furthermore, the predicament of the MPF Scheme is that despite its objective is to provide retirement protection and reinforce the safety net, the protection is in fact far from sufficient. MPF is a define-contribution scheme but it is not a defined-benefits scheme, which meant that employees’ contribution is contingent upon many factors including the duration of contribution, returns from investments by the trustees after deducing the high administrative a nd transaction costs incurred, as well as the amount of contribution.This led to the inevitable unpredictability of benefits which is neither guaranteed by the trustees nor protected by the government. Besides, the scheme was introduced only in 2000, which meant that people around retirement age at that time would receive either little or no protection at all due to the short contribution period. At the moment, elderly poverty was one of the severest forms of poverty in Hong Kong. In short, contrary to its initial intention, the MPF does not guarantee retirement protection, instead only added more uncertainties and unpredictability to lives after retirement.The statutory minimum wage was passed in 2010 and fully implemented Labour Day of 2011. It aims at â€Å"striking an appropriate balance between forestalling excessively low wages and minimising the loss of low-paid jobs while sustaining Hong Kong’s economic growth and competitiveness (Labour Department, 2011). The initia l minimum wage rate was set at $28, but the commission set up by the government to review the minimum wage rate biannually has agreed to increase to $30 an hour. From a theoretical standpoint, setting up a wage floor would upset the balance of the labour market by forcing some low skill workers to be laid off.Nevertheless, the government estimated that 273800 grassroot workers would benefit from the law and could sustain a basic level of living by avoiding from being underpaid. After about two years since the law has passed, however, it seems that reports about employers trying to cut the fringe benefits of employees were not uncommon and the actual effect and repercussion of minimum wage on the labour market is yet to be unravelled. In the following essay, I will examine the implementation of minimum wage law with regard to its effectiveness in eradicating poverty in Hong Kong.In order to assess the effectiveness of minimum wage, the first indicator is changes in monthly income of the lower income groups when compared with higher income groups in the lower half year of 2011. If we divide the whole population equally into ten decile groups with the first decile group being the poorest 10% of the people and the tenth decile group being the wealthiest 10%, it was found that in the first three decile groups all experience increase in monthly income ranging from 6. 9% to 9. 3%, while the last three decile groups experience either no change or negative growth in their monthly income (HKCSS, 2011).However, looking at income alone would not be a comprehensive assessment of the effect of minimum wage law given that the economic began to boom around the time minimum wage was implemented. Therefore, a much more reliable assessment would be to compare the living standards of low income households before and after the minimum wage came into force. A study commissioned by Oxfam Hong Kong adopted a two-stage stratified surveys that interview impoverished households with at least one family member receiving minimum wage and compare their livelihood from March 2011 to January 2012.In the following paragraphs, findings from this study will be further analysed. In terms of monthly income, the minimum wage law has indeed increase the nominal household income. About 70% of interviewees, representing 131125 families reported an increase in household income after the introduction of minimum wage. Moreover, 72. 6% of them also reported a rise in individual workers’ income. In spite of an increase in monthly income and in fact, hourly income as well, working hours of workers decreased.The average hourly wage of respondents who stayed in the same job before and after implementation of minimum wage increased, 56. 8% of them even receive an hourly wage that exceeded $28. However, the same group of people who remain in the same job also experience an average cut of about 13. 9 working hours. This reduction of working hour is more often than not, at the expen se of the workers’ benefit such as cancelling paid lunch hour or meal break and no overtime payment and so on. 46. % of respondents complained that the previously paid rest days were cancelled since the enforcement of minimum wage law. Taking into account of the loss of paid rest days as well as other fringe benefits, coupled with the reduction in working hours, over half of the respondents, 55. 8% of them experienced a drop in individual income despite the apparent increase in nominal monthly income. In the paragraph above concerning CSSA recipients, it was briefly mentioned that they treat social assistance as their last resort to mitigate their financial situation.In fact, most of them felt â€Å"perceivable prejudice† against them. The introduction of minimum wage has a wide application, but it affects most significantly low-income jobs that CSSA recipients crave. About half of the respondents receiving CSSA in the Oxfam study affirm the effectiveness of wage floor as an impetus to quit receiving social assistance. This in brief, could address the need of CSSA recipients to self-reliance and eliminate the stigmatization or label that they feel attached to them by re-entering the job market.Nonetheless, increase in income to a certain extent does not mean or signify poverty alleviation. The most pivotal finding in the Oxfam study is that it reveals 40. 5% of households still live in deprivation despite the minimum wage law. This is because they define â€Å"deprivation† as the inabilities to afford at least three items that are dubbed essential by most Hong Kong residents including dental check-ups, leisure activities, afford to go to private clinics when sick and tea house and so on.According to Townsend (1979), â€Å"a person is considered to be in poverty if he or she does not have enough resources to enable him or her to participate in normal activities commonly engaged by ordinary members in the community and therefore cannot beco me fully integrated into the mainstream of society. † Therefore, when 40. 5% of respondents, representing 531354 households are still deprived of a chance to engage in social activities simply due to the fact that they still could not afford the items they need highlighted just how ineffective minimum wage legislation has been in eradicating poverty.In conclusion, lifting people out of poverty is a difficult problem that could not be solved by any social policy alone, let alone the many flaws and limitations that are embedded in social policies. However, it is only through identifying the imperfection in social welfare policies could we make improvement on them and hopefully attain the final goal of eradicating poverty at the end. Reference list: Hong Kong Council of Social Service, The Statistic review of the Low Income Household in Hong Kong, 2011. w. hkcss. org. hk/index_e. asp Labour Department (2011). Statutory Minimum Wage: Reference Guidelines for Employers and Employee s. Legislative Council (2012). Before and After the Statutory Minimum Wage Ordinance in Hong Kong: Survey of Low-income workers and their Families. Oxfam Hong Kong and Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2007). Perception and Utilization of CSSA: a Study on the Views of the Public and the Lower Income people.Social Welfare Department (2012), Comprehensive Social Assistance Scheme, retrieved from: http://www. swd. gov. hk/en/index/site_pubsvc/page_socsecu/sub_comprehens/ Tsoi Kcon-wah , â€Å"Poverty Eradication and Social Security in Hong kong†, in Advances in Social welfare in Hong Kong, ed. ,) by D. T. L. Shek, 2002, Chapter 9. World Bank (2011), Gini Index, retrieved from: http://data. worldbank. org/indicator/SI. POV. GINI

Sunday, September 29, 2019

China U.S Business Partner

China and the united States. Which of the two would you prefer to do business In and why? No one will criticize stating that the U. S. And China are the most influential countries In the current global Industry. What happens In the economic market In one of both countries directly reflect to the world economy. Even though they both have the substantial economic strength, they have nothing in common; the history, the way they have been developed, the impression that they show to the world, etc. Are all deferent. The way of becoming powerful countries are not easy to analyses with Just few theories.However. One of the important theories Is the difference in their regime which started to affect since sass. After World War II ends, the political regimes in both countries can be simple; China is socialist and the U. S. Is democratic. However, the world economy had kept changing. Now, things are different. The U. S. Has sucked to capitalism which Is reserved for democracy. On the other han d, China changed as time went by. It is arguable that communism or socialism would be automatic failure. Nevertheless, it is obvious that communism and socialism has closed or limited economic market which will demand one country the death sentence.According to Farley and Moss, the journalists of Society & Science, in 1979, legislative reforms in China started the global trade within limited areas in Sheehan, Aisha, Shannon, and Examine. Now, the most markets in China are opened to visitors although there are strict policies (2009) and the current status of China is pre-modern, pre-capitalist, and feudal' (Mining', 2009). ‘Feudal system' was originally created In Middle Age which refers to the political, social, and military system related to the relationship between landlord and vassal (Dictionary. Com unabridged). A Journalist, Mining comments thatChina Is not yet fully liberal and also In capitalism. In the society, this means ‘uncivilized. ‘ Considering all fac tors, China Is on the preemptively capitalist step In the concepts of Marxism which is the step to the civilized and liberal country. Acknowledged from the current China's economic strength in the world, the I OFF Any changes in business policies in one country affect companies in numerous ways in various sizes. The changed policies can be helpful and they also can give tremendous damages to the company. Since China and the U. S have different political regime, they have many similar polices but there are more differences.It is hard to decide which country is better to start a business if one has a chance. There are many factors that affect the decision to run a business such as the type and size of company, the current markets status, the government policies and etc. The sample example can be the manufacturing company and it is better to open the company in China because of the current possible crisis status in the U. S. , governments' taxation to the manufacture companies for high GAP, cheap labors for lots of handy Jobs, First of all, China currently has more stable economy than the U. S. Has. There wasGlobal Financial Crisis in the U. S. Which has commonly believed to have started in July 2007. The reasons are from complex matters. One definite factor is the sub- prime crisis from housing bubble and to overcome the crisis, the U. S. Government submitted $700 billion rescue proposal (Canasta, 2009). On Septet. 29, 2008, DOD Jones Industrial Average ends up down 777 points which was worst point loss in the history (Gibson, 2008). This collapse in the U. S. Economy influenced all other countries in the world. However, China is the only country who had a positive number of GAP in the ear of 2008 (Fordham, 2009).Even though, the U. S. Incredibly overcame the crisis in short period of time, there always is a possibility for another crisis and unstable economy. China has the highest GAP increase rate for decades. The U. S. Already has high GAP and definitely has better environment to run a business. China has lower GAP than the U. S. And it is a firm theory that lower GAP country has higher GAP growth rate. GHz, a Journalist of Journal of Economic Perspective, summarized that for decades, China is the only country who has two digit industrial growth rate (2012).These easily think as there are more chances to success in business and the higher chances make the environments change. Among countries, the developing country normally seizes the initiative. At the last 620 meeting in 2010, the U. S. Had to step back and give away few from China, especially on policies of currency changes, labors, and the U. S. Diplomacy which made better environments running a business in China than the U. S (Moronic, 2010). Higher growth rate country is better to starting a business than countries with low growth rate countries. Also, China has better taxation policies than the U. S. Has.Not only cheap labors help the company higher profits and chances of success , it is the government policies that helps running a business in China. China waives taxes from double tax to double taxes under numerous conditions. The conditions are very complicated but the big pictures of the tax waive condition is that the company must exports everything that are imported which means manufactured products with components from outside of China cannot be sold in China (Sharked, 2012). Taxes are very important issues to businesses from foreign countries and these waives helps a lot who wanted to start business in China.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Assignment #4 The Ragan Revolution through President Obamma Essay

Assignment #4 The Ragan Revolution through President Obamma - Essay Example One of the major historical turning points during Regan’s error is AIDs epidemic. AIDs killed millions of people during this period but the main tragedy was not the disease but the lack of enough action to control it. One of the reasons behind this situation was the belief that AID s could only be contracted by homosexuals. President Reagan was reluctant thus did not fully supportive of the disease treatment as he didn’t want to anger the Christian conservatives. The American public only came to realize the reality of the disease after a hemophiliac teenager contracted AIDS virus through blood transfusion and the public confession of Magic Johnson announcing that he too had contracted the virus. The other event was the expansion of the southern states to the western dangerous regions as well as their efforts to tame new frontiers. During this period, the wives of the army men were made to enjoy a different status. This was completely different in comparison to the woman rights during the America colonization and civil war period. The areas allowed their women to take part in civil society and voting as well as assuming the judge position. The culture of the army wives gave women equal eminence at the time of frontier expansion. As this took place in the western frontiers, the rest of the states conserved their male order societies. This situation led to the frontier women to enjoy a status that was special following the forward posts isolation pockets and the community transformation into a society during threat and danger times so as to continue existing efficiently. The end result was that the women ended up sharing the same responsibilities with the men and their system a llowed a combined authority while the eastern states stuck to their traditional culture of having the males dominate in everything.

Friday, September 27, 2019

DWIGHT EISENHOWER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DWIGHT EISENHOWER - Essay Example In 1944-1945, as the leader of the Western Front, Dwight Eisenhower managed to successfully invade and occupy Germany and France1.In 1951, he was appointed as the first military supreme leader of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.He also served as the Chief of Staff, under the Harry Truman presidency. Dwight Eisenhower entered the United States political arena in 1952, in order to counter the threats that came from communist Korea. He also engaged in politics in order to counter the non-interventionism policies that were drafted by Senator Robert Taft. During his first year of presidency2, Eisenhower managed to sponsor a coup in Iran. This led to the overthrow of Mohammad Mosadegh. This was after the Iranian government nationalized its oil reserves, which were mostly controlled by the British and American companies. On this basis, nationalization of the oil reserves would have impacted negatively on the American interests. One of the greatest achievements of Dwight Eisenhower wa s to convince China to stop the1950 to 1953 war that was between South Korea and North Korea. South Korea was supported by United Nations, while North Korea was supported by China. North Korea practiced communism as a system of governance. In this war, under the auspices of the United Nations, United States of America contributed more than 80% of the troops that operated in South Korea.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Land Acquisitions in India Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Land Acquisitions in India - Research Paper Example The Left Front, which built a noteworthy political hegemony in West Bengal largely on the basis of Operation Barga and land reforms, has been brought to its knees after a substandard attempt at wresting a thousand acres for a car factory, illustrating how land issues have a seismic potential in our political landscape. This was one of the potential reasons behind the political turmoil occurred in west Bengal. People of west Bengal took the issue of land acquisitions in the rural areas of Singur and Nandigram as a prime case of malfunction in the context of malfunction. The economic boom caused during the post-liberalization period continues to create a voracious appetite for space to meet the demands of industrialization, infrastructure building, urban expansion, and resource extraction. Finding a way to balance the needs of â€Å"economic growth, equitable distribution and human rights, rescuing these complex and sometimes conflicting objectives from the demagoguery of single issue advocates†¦and political opportunists, is perhaps the greatest challenge facing our democracy† (Ghatak and Ghosh, 2011, p.2). The paper addresses the hindrances associated with land acquisitions in India, the role of â€Å"special economic zones†, and the policy implications. ... Special economic zones will be facilitated with exemptions from government taxes and duties such as service tax, sales tax and others by the government of India. Although The Indian parliament passed the SEZ act in June 2005, the law came into effect in February 2006. The states like that of Gujarat had approved regional SEZ legislation in the year of 2004. The Commerce and the cabinet minister for industrial growth, Shri Kamal Nath acknowledged that exports will increase five times and the GDP of the nation will rise 2%. It was also emphasized that SEZ will generate substantial employment across India. The Indian government emphasizes that SEZ will possibly grab the attention of global manufacturing sector. It will enhance the transfer of latest technology and will also generate incentives for infrastructure. Central government of India has given the approval of a total of 439 SEZ across Indian states. Of the total198 of these SEZs have essentially been notified already (Vaidya, Dha r, 2005, p-1) Ultimately 500 SEZs are deemed to be formulated. The total volume of land to be taken across India for the purpose of SEZ is 150,000 hectares. This land mainly agricultural and essentially multi cropped is potentially competent of producing almost 1 million tons of food grains. If SEZs are seen to be triumphant in the future and more refined land is acquired, they will imperil the food security of the person. The employment generated in the organized sector is yet less than 3 crore. Employment is less than 0.15 crore even in the information technology and ITES sector. Due to the growing automation, modern era of manufacturing grows joylessly around the world. With the booming automobile sector, the organized sector is also in a need of labor supply (SACW,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Formal Report case study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Formal Report case study - Research Paper Example Employees need to know that it is an offense to smoke or drink within the boundaries of the workplace. However, they should not feel as though the company is punishing them. This is why they should be included in the policy making to prevent such misconceptions. The company ought to be clear on rewards and punishments as a way to control smoking and drinking. Most employees fail to take care of their health for lack of information. Books, movies, and seminars should be availed to enable employees get the information required for change of behaviour. The company should consider using the services of experts in dealing with critical issues such as smoking and drinking prevention programs. Putting employees in darkness about what is happening within the company creates a sense of isolation and powerlessness. This is especially if they are not included in the decision-making within the company. This may kill their morale about work and become victims of alcohol to fight their frustration s. As normally said, ‘work and no play make jack a dull boy.’ Employees need to have activities that enable them to unwind. These include gym and other exercising equipment. Employees can use them over lunch break to exercise. Other resources include programs that might assist employees to stop drinking and smoking. Ensure that food eaten within the workplace is healthy to prevent the lifestyle complications. Finally, managers are also trained to detect problems in employees and address them instantly. There is a positive correlation between stress and drug use amongst the employees. For that reason, it would be imperative to ensure that employees are trained to cope with stressful situations. To ensure employees are not stressed, the company should ensure favourable working conditions. If possible, the company should create an employee and family assistance programs. Professional help is offered not only to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Discussion Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17

Discussion Questions - Assignment Example the community as well as that of its employees, being honest in their operations and ensuring that their operations do not harm the community, its environment or its economy. These obligations ensure that organizations uphold integrity in their operations and benefit their immediate societies (Paetzold, 2009). The approach of the second organization has several advantages that include creating a positive image of the organization to the public. Additionally, this approach can be used as a marketing strategy to reach more potential customers. The main advantage of the approach taken by the first organization is that it minimizes on costs. However, the approach may create a negative image of the organization. An organization’s responsibilities within a community differ from an individual’s responsibilities in several ways. While an organization is liable for all the actions that its employees take on its behalf, this is not the case with individual responsibilities. This makes the responsibilities of an organization to have a wider scope than those of individuals. Additionally, an organization, unlike individuals, risks incurring huge financial losses if it fails to observe its responsibilities. Individual responsibilities, on the other hand, have little financial or economic bearings on individuals (Paetzold,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 28

Case Study - Essay Example The officials elected are there because of their relationship with the citizens; if they refuse to barter on behalf of those within their districts, then they are not upholding their moral responsibility to the people. It can even be argued that, as humans, we have a relationship with our environment and, therefore, a duty to uphold and protect it from harm. As the government tries to safeguard the environment it must also put to consideration the economic and financial gain they receive from Nestle Company through taxes and also providing employment to the citizens at much higher salary rates than any other company in the state. The bottled water market is worth â€Å"$6 billion in annual sales† (Barry & Shaw, 2014, p. 131), with monetary gain assured for Nestlà © if they triple their output. The company is also supplying water to the majority of the citizens in Michigan State with clean drinking water, the product they never used to have before it was launched. The company, however, has several negative impacts on the environment and entire ecosystem of Michigan State by increasing its pumping rate from 130 gallons per minute to 400 gallons per minute. Over a continuous period, the number of fish in the water body will decrease drastically due to water shortage and hence fishing will also be edged out of the economy of the state. Ideas relevant in this debate would be environmental justice and equity for the people in Michigan communities. If water rapidly disappears, it also becomes an issue of efficiency with the renewability of supplies becoming in question. Nestlà © has to deal with customer satisfaction, but also the satisfaction of their state business partners. It should work on modalities of moderating their production in manner that they will serve the customers to satisfaction and generate enough profit while at the same time conserving the environment not to infringe on other people’s right to use the water

Sunday, September 22, 2019

When I change my major Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

When I change my major - Essay Example Since my childhood, I have always dreamt of becoming a successful businessman in my country if not the entire world. I had grown passion for reading business-related articles to expand my knowledge in the filed I considered would significantly shape my future. Consequently, I decided to major in business management during at the beginning of my sophomore year. However, the situation in my country contributed a great deal to the dwindling interest in pursuing business course any further. â€Å"Hey, what do you think about pursuing an engineering course?† It was after this statement from a close family friend, rung a bell in my mind that eventually made me to change my major to engineering. In my country, bio medical engineering graduates have a lot of job opportunities and make handsome cash. Also, they have the opportunity to help the community by preferring to work in hospitals. It has been my dream to engage in activities that give back to the society and I reflected on changing my major to the field of bio medical engineering as a great opportunity to achieve this dream. Now, I cannot be happier knowing that I will soon graduate as a bio medical professional and get numerous job offers in my country and also that it will enable me to help people in

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Effect in Hong Kongs Economy Essay Example for Free

The Effect in Hong Kongs Economy Essay I. Introduction The financial crisis in the Asian economies in 1997 has created tremendous interests in the economic point of view. This report focuses on the economic situation of Hong Kong in 1997-98, which has some very special features among the economies in the region. In the Asian Financial Crisis, the economy in Hong Kong did not sufferer from any banking or currency crisis like some of the Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand, which their troubles began with a severe depreciation in their currencies. This triggered capital outflow and bankruptcy of many financial intermediaries and firms. The currencies of these countries have long been maintained at a relatively constant rate with the US dollar until 1995. Their depreciation is due to the central banks were unable to defend speculative attacks. Regarding to this, the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China successfully supported the currency by paying the cost of having high interest rates. Hong Kong dollar is pegged with the US dollar, at a rate of HK$7.8 to US$1 since 1983. This is due to the effort of the Hong Kong Government and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), the central bank of the Hong Kong. However, the economy is expected to enter one of the most severe recessions in the post-war period after the Asian Financial Crisis. Section 2 in this paper will offer background information of the Linked Exchange Rate System. It defines how the monetary authorities defend the currency peg. Section 3 will summarize on how and why the Hong Kong dollar was under speculative attacks during the Asian Financial Crisis. Section 4 is a postscript on how the HK government reacts to the situation and the actions that was taken. II. The Background of the Linked Exchange Rate SystemAs a small opened economy, the currency of Hong Kong was used to be backed by stronger currency, pound sterling at first and later, US dollar. There was only about nine years (1974 -1983) in which a floating exchange rate regime was  adopted. By the end of 1983, under both external (speculative attacks) and internal (political uncertainty) factors, the authorities decided a fixed exchange rate regime and peg Hong Kong dollar with the US dollar at HK$7.8 to US$1. The latter is known as the Linked Exchange Rate System, which is effective since October 17, 1983. The Linked Exchange Rate System is in practice a modified version of a classical currency board. A classical currency board is a system where there is no place for a central bank. The current Hong Kongs currency board maintains certain functions of the HKMA as the central bank of the SAR. The rest of this subsection discusses their distinction. In general, currency board refers to a monetary institution that issues base money solely in exchange for foreign assets, specifically the reserve currency. (Williamson, 1995, p.2)With the currency board, the monetary authorities can not change money supply at will. If the currency board would like to issue new cash, it must first increase its stock of the chosen reserve currency given certain fixed exchange rate stipulated by law. Which means the supply of home currency can increase only when commercial banks puts an equal amount of reserve currency in the currency board. Usually, the foreign reserve is more than the monetary base (cash in circulation plus deposits from commercial banks), so there is a net worth on the liabilities side that equals to the excess amount of foreign reserve. With buying or selling domestic credits, the central bank can perform open market operations and sterilized intervention of exchange rate. The currency board can stabilize the value of the home currency to a stronger one. This is an attractive feature for small countries. With people having confidence in this monetary system and the fixed exchange rate, a stable economic environment will promote trade, and investment. Over the recent decade the Hong Kong Government has increased the power of the monetary authority as a central bank. In April 1, 1993, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) was established to perform many of the functions of a central bank. Due to historical reasons, instead of a central bank, three note-issuing banks, the Standard Chartered Bank, HDBC and now Bank of China are allowed to issue notes. In order to issue notes, under the management of HKMA they have to pay the Exchange Fund in US dollars and receive the Certificates of Indebtedness (CIs) at the official rate HK$7.8 to US$1. With this system, the money supply is determined when firms in the export sector gain more US dollars through trade. They still need to pay their workers in HK dollar so they will use the US dollar in exchange for the domestic currency with the licensed banks. When banks are short in HK dollar, they can exchange for HK dollar with the US dollar in their hand with the note-issuing banks at HK$7.8 to US$1. If the note-issuing banks are short of HK dollars, they will use the mechanism of currency board to obtain CIs and supply more domestic currency to the economy. In principle, the exchange rate in the market floats. There is no law that forbids any bank to use a rate different from the official one. It is an arbitrage mechanism that helps to fix the exchange rate in the market. For instance, if the rate in the market is HK$8 to US$1. Banks will submit Hong Kong dollar to the note-issuing banks for US dollar at the official rate HK$7.8. They will gain the differential 20 ¢ by selling the US dollar in the market. More banks will follow and thus the demands of HK dollars increase. As a result, HK dollar will appreciate and the above arbitrage process will end when the market rate goes back to the official rate. When there is pressure of depreciation in the domestic currency against US dollars, the note-issuing banks will have to use the CIs to exchange for US dollars with the Exchange Fund. Contagion in the market in response to the depreciation will finally lead to a huge reduction in the foreign reserve. III. Speculative Attacks on Hong Kong Dollar in 19971. Before October, 1997During the first two quarters of 1997, Hong Kongs economy performed extremely well. Even though other Asian economies began to expose their problem in the second half of the year, Hong Kong has no sign of down-turn even in the third quarter. 2. After October, 1997The Asia Financial Crisis began with the speculative  attacks on other Asian currencies: the Thai baht, Philippine peso, Malaysian ringgit, Indonesian rupiah and Singapore dollar. While the Thai and Indonesian governments seek assistance from the IMF, Philippines central bank attempted to intervene the market and the Singapore central bank allowed the currency to depreciate. Hong Kong dollar remained steady, but later the HKMA admitted that US$1 billion of the foreign had been used to defend the currency. A second attack occurred in mid-August. From the summer to October, the stock market is very volatile and the Hong Kong dollar is strong but under pressure, while other currencies depreciates against the US dollar; however, the Hong Kong Government reassured the public that the peg exchange rate will sustain and there was adequate reserve to defend from speculative attack. However, the speculative pressure on both Hong Kong finally stroke Hong Kong stock market at the end of October. On October 23, the Heng Seng Index dropped to 23% from the previous Friday. The HKMA used interest rate to intervene the market to defend the currency peg as overnight HIBOR increased drastically except in mid-July. Naturally, the corresponding impact on the stock market was negative and severe. 3. Why were there speculative attacks?With adequate foreign reserve, the HK government has for a long time maintained budget surplus every year and the fundamentals of the economy are sound in the first three quarters, so what has attract the international speculators to target the Hong Kong dollar? Unlike some Asian countries, the financial system of Hong Kong is well-regulated and well-supervised. Although a few investment banks and firms have bankrupted after October due to overinvestment, the sort of crises in Indonesia and South Korea did not occur in Hong Kong. In fact, being one of the most developed financial centers in the region, financial and banking regulations have been continuously introduced and strengthened in the past few decades, this has helped avoid the problem of moral hazards. For example:†¢The Protection of Investors Ordinance (1974): this prohibits firms using fraudulent, coercive and exaggerated means to induce investors of buying or selling securities. It also regulates the issue of associated documents and publications. (Edward, 1987, p. 82):†¢The Securities Ordinance (1979): this regulates the operations of the Stock Exchange, the  registration of dealers and investment advisers and trading practice. It forbids dealers to involve in transaction outside the exchange, allows investigation of malpractices, and provides for the establishment of a Stock Exchange Compensation Fund to compensate the clients of defaulting brokers. (Edward, 1987, p. 82)†¢The Banking Ordinance (1986): this ordinance (i) governs both banks and DTCs under the supervision of the Commissioner of Banking (now a part of HKMA); (ii) institutes a minimum capital to risk assets ratio requirement; (iii) imposes a new liquidity requirement and (iv) allow the commissioner to issue guide-lines for banking operations from time to time. (Ho, 1991, p. 98) Still, there are three possible reasons for speculative attacks:First, the real exchange of Hong Kong and US dollars has a large appreciation of Hong Kong dollars since 1983 which reflects Hong Kongs lack of competitiveness. Yet, Hawkins and Yiu (1995) compute the Real ERRI for traded goods and show no loss of competitiveness for traded goods sector. However, the fact that Hong Kong has transformed into a service-based economy, the competition Hong Kong faces might be more in financial services and tourism, rather then in manufacturing products. Since other Asian currencies have depreciated, Hong Kong might suffer from lack of competitiveness against financial centers like Singapore, or tourism industries in regions like Thailand and Malaysia. Furthermore, as an important entrepà ´t, between China and the rest of the world, because the Renminbi has not been devalued also reduces Chinas competitiveness. This might have a negative impact on Hong Kong re-export sector. There were increasing requests and rumors for the devaluation of Hong Kong dollars to put a lift of competitiveness in 1997, which gives political pressure on the local authorities, and under such environment, speculators might perceive that their attacks will succeed. Second, political uncertainty also increases the probability of speculative attacks. On July 1, 1997, the former British colony was handed over to the Peoples Republic of China. Foreign investors might be skeptical on the independence of Hong Kong economic policy. Some of the economists did not show confidence on this matter. Anna Schwartz (1993) thinks that Hong Kongs experience with a currency board represents a dilution of the features that distinguished the institution. It did not maintain a fixed  exchange rate between the Hong Kong dollar and sterling during the years when it was linked to sterling; it then shifted to a link to the US dollar, after which it let the exchange rate float; and it then returned to a fixed exchange rate with the US dollar. It has since introduced discretionary powers for the Exchange Fund to exercise. Limited as these powers may be currently, they strike me as a slippery slope that portends further erosion of rule-based behavior. Chinas willingness to maintain rule-based behavior once the island reverts to its control adds to the uncertain future of a currency board in Hong Kong. (Schwartz, 1993, p.176) Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff (1995) share Schwartzs concern, After China takes over in 1997, it will also assume ultimate ownership of Hong Kongs foreign currency reserves. Despite its promise not to tamper with Hong Kongs economy, China would not likely want to see its dowry squandered in battling speculators. Thus, even Hong Kongs currency ultimately could fall. (Obstfeld and Rogoff, 1995, p.91) Was George Soros as pessimistic (or optimistic) as these economists in 1997?Third, many people have suggested that the actual target of the speculators is really the stock market. If the speculators can successfully give pressure to the Hong Kong dollar and the only response of the HKMA is to increase interest rate; therefore, speculators will be able to gain by short selling stocks in the market. If this is the case, the authorities should be flexible in choosing the instruments to defend the currency. IV. A PostscriptWith the estimates of a -2% growth rates and 4.2% unemployment rate for the first quarter of 1998; and a recession was expected. This suggests that the full impact of the Asian crises on the real sectors have began. During this period, interest rates stayed high and Hong Kong dollar was under discretionary speculative attacks. In June, the further depreciation in Japanese Yen gave additional pressure. On June 22, as a result of internal political pressure, the government adopts the first budget deficit policy since 1982 in order to stimulate the economy without abandoning the currency peg. The policy turned an initial surplus estimate of HK$10.7 billion into a deficit of HK$21.4 billion. This HK $44 billion rescue package involves:†¢Suspending land sales until March 31, 1999 to slow down the collapse of the real estate market in Hong Kong†¢An exemption of  interest earned locally from profits tax †¢Putting out HK $2 billion to help small and medium firms in non-export related sector. †¢rates rebate for the first quarter (worth HK$3.85 billion)This expansionary fiscal policy has helped shorten the recession of Hong Kong. As the Asian economy slowly recovered from the Asian Financial Crisis, Hong Kong has also managed to climb back from its recession. Reference Corsetti, G., Pesenti, P. and Roubini, N. (1998). What Caused the Asian Currency and Financial Crisis?. New York University. Edwards, A. Hong Kong: a guide to the structure, development and regulation of financial services. The Economist, 1987Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (1998, February). 1997 Economic Background. Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (1998, May). First Quarter Economic Report. Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (1997, July) Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics. Hawkins, J. and Yiu, M. (1995). Real and Effective Exchange Rates. reprinted in Money and Banking in Hong Kong, edited and published by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Ho, R. (1991). The Regulatory Framework of the Banking Sector. The Hong Kong Financial System. Oxford University Press. Hong Kong Monetary Authority. (1997, July) Monthly Statistical Bulletin. Hong Kong Monetary Authority. (1997, August). Quarterly Bulletin. Jao, Y. C. (1997). Of Pegs and Boards. reprinted in Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Quarterly Bulletin, November 1997, p.70-72. Kydland, F. E. and Prescott, E. (1977). Rules Rather than Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans. Journal of Political Economy, 85, p.473-491. . Krugman, P. (1979). A Model of Balance-of-Payments Crises. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol. 11, No. 3, p.311-325. Krugman, P. (1996). Are Currency Crises Self-fulfilling?. NBER Macroeconomic Annual, National Bureau of Economic Research, p. 345-378. Krugman, P. (1998), What happened to Asia. MIT. Lui, Y. H. (1991). The Foreign Exchange Market. The Hong Kong Financial System, Oxford University Press. Nugà ©e, J. (1995). A Brief History of the Exchange Fund. Money and Banking in Hong Kong, edited and published by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Obstfeld, M. (1994). Logic of Currency Crises. Monetary and Fiscal Policy in an Integrated Europe edited by Barry Eichengreen, Jeffry Frieden and Jà ¼rgen von Hagen, Springer-Verlag. Obstfeld, M. (1996). Models of Currency Crises with Self-fulfilling Features. European Economic Review, 40, p.1037-1047. Obstfeld, M. and Rogoff, K. (1995). The Mirage of Fixed Exchange Rates. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 9, No. 4, Fall, p.73-96. Schwartz, A. (1993). Currency Boards: their past, present, and possible future role. Carnegie- Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 39, p.147-187. Scott, R.H. (1986). Monetary Policy in Hong Kong. Hong Kongs Financial Institutions and Markets. Oxford University Press, 1986 South China Morning Post, June 23, 1998 Issue. Williamson, J. (1995). What Role for Currency Boards?. Institute for International Economics

Friday, September 20, 2019

Application of Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)

Application of Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) Leslie Bruchey Elements of the Professional Nursing Role Nursing care is provided in all hospitals, in different states, different countries with different practices. But with that being said, the nursing process using NANDA –I Taxonomy of Nursing diagnoses, the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) can provide some standards in care where it is received. Throughout this paper, we will discuss a clinical case that uses these tools in providing care and looking at the patient outcome and discuss the systems that were in place. Clinical Encounter This patient was admitted to a medical surgical unit with the diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis, shortness of breath and pain with inspiration, atrial fibrillation and MRSA in the urine. Patient’s other history included chronic kidney disease, oxygen dependent at home and a low ejection fraction. With this being said, this patient had several things happening, but was being treated with antibiotics and Cardizem to control A-Fib. In the middle of the night, the patient was a rapid response for hypotension and moved to the intensive care. Because of a previous echo that revealed the patient’s EF was only 12%, large fluid boluses were not really an option to treat hypotension. The hypotension was caused by a few different reasons, the nurse in med surg had given this patient multiple blood pressure medications, and the critical care doctor felt that she was becoming septic due to her presentation. Also, the critical care doctor decided that the patient needed a stat VQ scan to rule out the possibility of a pulmonary embolism. The patient results concluded that there was a high probability of a pulmonary embolism which warranted the patient to be placed on IV heparin, have a venous ultrasound of her legs and an echo. These tests reviewed no clots in her legs or heart. With heparin, a PT/INR was drawn for baseline and then a hep xa was drawn every 6 hours until the heparin was therapeutic. A BNP and CBC were drawn to monitor blood cell counts and a central line was placed and the patient was placed on Levophed to prevent hypotension for a few hours. After a few hours, the patient was able to keep blood pressure controlled without medications. Antibiotics were continued as patients WBC’s were 14000 and the patient was continuously monitored in the ICU for a few days. CVP’s were measured at 5 and urine output was monitored closely. Nursing Diagnosis This patient had multiple nursing diagnoses’ that fit her condition. One of the diagnoses that fit this patient is decreased cardiac output. With the patient being in A-fib and with an EF of only 12% this patient does not have optimal cardiac output. The patient also prevents with hypotension which is believed to may have been caused by medications that effect preload and afterload which will also decrease the cardiac output of this patient. This diagnosis is a part of NANDA- I Taxonomy of Nursing Diagnoses and falls under domain 4 Activity and Rest and class 4 which discusses Cardiovascular/ Pulmonary Responses (NANDA, 2012). Nursing Interventions Classification Interventions The following are nursing interventions that were used on this patient using the NIC (Nursing Interventions Classification). Hemodynamic Regulation (4150) Definition: â€Å"Optimization of heart rate, preload, afterload and contractility† (Bulechek, Butcher, Dochterman, 2008) Ways to intervene: Patient was placed on a presser, i.e Levophed to cause vasoconstriction and promote an increase in blood pressure A small 250ml fluid bolus was given prior to coming to the intensive care unit The patient was placed on hemodynamic monitoring to check central venous pressures and allowed us to monitor fluid status Medication parameters were in place for medications that would effect HR, preload, afterload Oxygen Therapy (3320): Definition: â€Å"Administration of oxygen and monitoring of its effectiveness† (Bulechek, Butcher, Dochterman, 2008) Ways to intervene: Oxygen provided by nasal cannula was titrated by oxygen saturation, patient was on 3L. Continuous oxygen saturation monitoring by a pulse ox on the finger. Respirations and patient comfort were also monitored, i.e. no shortness of breath or trouble breathing. Urinary Catheterization (0580): Definition: â€Å"Insertion of a catheter into the bladder for temporary or permanent drainage of urine† (Bulechek, Butcher, Dochterman, 2008). Ways to intervene: Foley was placed to monitor urine output. Output was monitored to check fluid balance because of patient’s history of CKD, the MRSA infection and having a low ejection fraction. The catheter was temporary and was used for strict input and output. Family Presence Facilitation (7170): Definition: â€Å"Facilitation of the family’s presence in support of an individual undergoing resuscitation and or invasive procedures† (Bulechek, Butcher, Dochterman, 2008). Ways to intervene: Family contacted because patient was moved to intensive care and needed a emergent central line placement. Patient was extremely anxious and requested that we contact her family to come in for needed support. Family came in and educated on what happened and any other information that was needed at that time. Nursing Outcomes Classification Outcomes Now that we have defined a nursing diagnosis and provided some interventions that this patient needed, it is time to discuss the patient outcome. These interventions help the patient achieve multiple goals and as a nurse, all of our interventions help us improve patient outcomes. This patient has multiple nursing diagnoses, but because decreased cardiac output was addressed, the outcome will be as follows: Cardiac Pump Effectiveness (0400) Definition: â€Å"Adequacy of blood volume ejected from the left ventricle to support systemic perfusion pressure† (Moorhead, Johnson, Maas, Swanson, 2008). The patient will be able to maintain blood pressure without pressers. Patient will have a follow up echo that showed her ejection fraction was 45%. Patient will have adequate urine output. CVP measurements will be within normal limits. Patient will have activity tolerance when getting out of bed and ambulating around room. Patient will continue outpatient rehab to rebuild strength over time. Advantages and Disadvantages The nursing process allows for a standard of care to be provided anywhere that a nurse cares for a patient. With being able to identify what the patients problems are through a nursing diagnosis, we are able to next focus on the interventions that best fit and will provide the best patient outcome. When looking at a patient, we all have our own outcomes that we want to achiever to better the patient. In the patient above, there are many problems that could results in a long list of nursing diagnoses. With being able to focus on one at a time, a nurse is able to think about the needed steps to achieve the positive outcome that we all look at. With using the NIC, NOC and NANDA-I, nurses anywhere are able to identify a problem, the steps to improve the problems and the hopefully outcome for this issue. While these tools help standardize care that nurses provide and focus on and to make sure that the needed interventions to improve the outcome are being performed and are being documented . It is important that the nurse can focus on the needs of the patient and to take credit for all the important things we do during our time with a patient. I also think the nursing process is great for other disciplines to look out what nursing is focusing on and also may help guide the rest of the care that is provided. With this documenting process and just using in the clinical setting, newer nursing can use it to help focus the care their patients may need. These tools are a great resource for nurses but they do have some disadvantages. In day to day care in the nursing realm, these tools are a great resource, but in reality are hard to find time to access and continually document on them. I have seen these types of programs being used in the clinical setting and because nurses are busy, some just copy and paste the same thing over and over day to day. This does not show how we are intervening to meet the outcome. If used right, it is a great tool, but there are a lot of nurses that look at it as just another silly hoop to jump through during patient care and just another thing to document. Some nurses do not take the time to think about what interventions would help our patients. Also, I think that the various lists are good; however, sometimes it is hard to find the exact name of the intervention that we want to use. It takes time to look through the list to find the exact intervention or outcome that best fits out patient needs. Also, it would be hard to get all nurses on board to document with this type of syste m because some are resistant to change and others just are already overwhelmed with the amount of documentation that is required throughout the day. Conclusion The NIC, NOC and NANDA-I Taxonomy of Nursing Diagnoses are a great guide for standard nursing care. Anyone can use these documents to help focus the care their patients need. I believe documenting to nursing process throughout this system will allow for better patient outcomes to continuously reevaluate what the patients’ needs are and what is going on with a patient. Other disciplinary team members would be able to look at what the problems nursing are focusing on and see where they can help support that patients care. Overall, the standardized care would support patient outcomes and allow for nurses to focus on what they can do, improving the patients care by identifying problems, inventions and outcomes. References Bulechek, G.M., Butcher, H. K., Dochterman, J.C. (Eds.). (2008). Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Moorhead, S., Johnson, M., Maas, M., Swanson, E. (Eds.) (2008). Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) (4th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby/Elsevier. NANDA International. (2012). NANDA international nursing diagnoses: Definitions classification 2012-2014. T.H. Herdman, (ED.). Kaukauna, WI: Author.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dasein in Being There :: Essays Papers

Dasein in Being There Though I'm sure I didn't realize it back then, I spent a lot of time in my childhood mulling over the classic "nature vs. nurture" debate. Specifically, I wondered what would happen to a child separated from civilization at birth. If a person were locked in a room, never taught anything, and interacted with only by machines that delivered it food, then released into society at a certain age, how much would it know? How much would it be able to figure out? Could it survive? Some years after I'd abandoned this line of thinking, resigned to the fact that the experiment could probably never be carried out in an ethically acceptable way, a college professor encouraged me to read Jerzy Kosinski's novel Being There. In this novel's main character, Chance, I found, after a fashion, an approximation of the very project I'd been dreaming about all those years: a human being raised in a static and unexciting environment, with very few other human influences. The question of whether human beings have any intrinsic characteristics, or of what they may be, has been contemplated throughout the history of modern philosophy by thinkers such as Descartes and Locke. I believe, however, that it is the work and thought of Martin Heidegger to which a careful consideration of Being There will be most particularly relevant. Heidegger's concept of a human being is as an instance of that entity he calls "Dasein," a German term most literally translated into English as "there-being." Not only is this phrase reminiscent of the novel's title, it also describes rather appropriately the primary activity (if it can be called that) with which Chance's life is occupied. Chance's origins lie in obscurity, as much to himself as to the reader. He was orphaned at an age too young for him to have any memory of his biological parents. His sole custodian is the figure he knows only as "the Old Man," who has provided for him all his life. Chance takes care of the Old Man's garden, but rarely interacts with the man himself. His meals are prepared by one of the other servants in the Old Man's employ. Aside from working in the garden, eating, and sleeping, Chance's only pastime is watching television. It is TV alone that has given him whatever perception or understanding of culture and the normal commerce of society he may have.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Assistive Technology for Computing Essay -- Essays Papers

Assistive Technology for Computing One thing that programmers generally don’t take into account when they’re typing out code is "How accessible is my program or website going to be for someone who’s impaired in some way?" Unfortunately, this has become a problem in our society which many people are hoping to fix. Already, there’s a huge assortment of products - software, hardware, accessories, etc. - to accommodate those with impairments or disabilities of every sort. Here, we will see the technology in current use that is making computing more universal. Why Do We Need Assistive Technology? If you can imagine being an impaired person trying to use a computer, you might imagine that life could become very difficult. People with disabilities (PWD’s) still need and want to do the same everyday things that people without disabilities do. It’s just a little harder and more complicated to do it. For example, I might go onto the internet to shop for clothes or cd’s, look for movies to watch, or even order medications that I might need. What many of us don’t realize is that since some people are being inhibited from carrying out their everyday activities normally, the internet and computing may become even more important to them for that very reason. The accessibility of information via the internet is so great; they may not be able to afford to not use the internet and their computer. When using programs that aid in internet usage, or even in computer usage, PWD's face different obstacles based on their individual disabilities. For instance, people with hearing disabilities may need programs and websites to be captioned so that they can read what is being said if there's a synthetic voice used in the program that talks to... ...ul to avoid flashing texts and colors for people who may be prone to seizures, and which could cause some sort of disorientation. Also keep in mind that we're trying to make life easier for those who will be using our programs in the future. Works Cited CAT. 2001. University of Buffalo. <>. Freedom Scientific. 2001. Freedom Scientific. <>. Group 7. 10 Dec. 1999. Virginia Tech, 27 Nov. 2001. <> Hyatt, Glenda Watson . Improving Government Access to Web Sites for People With Disabilities . 09 May 2001 <>. Soaring Eagle Communications. 23 July 2001. Soaring Eagle Communications. 1999- 2000 <>.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fibromyalgia: No Longer a Catchall Diagnosis Essay -- Biology Essays R

Fibromyalgia: No Longer a Catchall Diagnosis [2] I first developed an interest in fibromyalgia syndrome through my mother. About ten years ago, she began complaining of achiness, sharp pain in various parts of her body-specifically the neck, and constant fatigue and insomnia. Being treated for clinical depression, however, my mother put these annoyances off as simply more symptoms of her depression and the results of extreme stress and tension. It was only very recently, within the past year while receiving massage therapy, that her masseuse happened to mention that my mother might have fibromyalgia, a relatively recent syndrome to enter into medical circles. Since then, my mother has been diagnosed as having fibromyalgia. This information does little good outside of peace of mind, as both the causes and the cures of these syndromes are not certain. Fibromyalgia is characterized most prominently, of course, by pain[1]. Pain can be experienced both as widespread and general 'achiness' felt throughout the body and also at specific 'trigger points,' which are areas that radiate intense pain in the muscle fiber. To meet the medical definition of 'fybromyalgia' the patient must respond to eleven out of the eighteen most common trigger points, the patient must have trigger points in all four quadrants of the body, and the patient must have experienced continuous pain for at least three months[3]. I will discuss these 'trigger points' in more depth later in this paper. There are multitudinous other symptoms which are also known to be associated with fibromyalgia. A few of the most significant among these are difficulty sleeping, intense fatigue, weight gain and loss, muscle spasms and loss of muscular control, mood swings and o... ...lgia. Particularly in the past few years as knowledge of fibromyalgia has become increasingly integrated into the scientific community, there has been a greater push towards the development of possible treatments-the two major possibilities being guaifeneson and Pycnogenol ®. Sources Cited 1. CFS Days 2. Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Dr. Starlanyla and J. Nickson 3. Fibromyalgia Symptoms 4. Fibromyalgia Treatment 5. A Guide For Patients 7. Pycnogenol ® 8. The Use of Uricosuric Drugs in Fibromyalgia

Monday, September 16, 2019

Concept of Community

Concept of Community 1 Running head: Concept of Community Concept of Community Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept of community. The paper will explore the differences and definition between community and aggregate. The author will further discuss specific identification and description of an aggregate. The paper will conclude with the writer’s personal expression regarding this topic. Community vs. Aggregate Public health nurses and other care providers face various roles and challenges when working within the community. It is significant that nurses understand the differences between aggregate care vs. ommunity based approaches to health care and service delivery. A community, in public health, is a defined population. The focus of public health is the health of a defined population of community. A community can be defined as a common interest or characteristics (age, race, gender, social class, or cultural identity), also referred to as an associate population. It can be defined by geographic boundaries, or a system (Porche, 2004). Therefore, an individual within a given population can be a member of several different communities at one time, depending on the defining characteristic of the community. And, depending on the type of community, the members may never come into contact with one another (Porche, 2004). An aggregate is a subgroup of the community population. Any community consists of multiple aggregates. Community aggregates can be grouped into simple aggregates based on demographics or geographic locations. This is the least type of aggregate in community health practices. The most common type of aggregate is high risk aggregate. A high risk aggregate or subpopulation of the community that has a high risk commonality among its members, such as Concept of Community 3 isky lifestyle behaviors (drug users, alcoholics) or high risk health conditions (teen pregnancy). The aggregate concept is used to target specific aggregates or subpopulations within the community (Porche, 2004). An aggregate approach, targets a specific subpopulation within the community, such as teenagers at risk for teen pregnancy. For example, an aggregate study (Kelly, Sheeder, 2004), was to test the h ypothesis that teenagers who have taken home pregnancy tests (aggregate), are more ambivalent about remaining non-pregnant than those who have not, and for this reason, use contraceptives less consistently. This was supported by detailed evidence. The authors concluded that home pregnancy test taking should be regarded as a red flag by those who care for adolescents; although they are as capable of using contraceptives as their peers, test takers are less apt to do so because they expect less negative consequences from childbearing, and for this reason, may benefit more from discussing childbearing expectations than contraceptive options. Therefore, aggregate health care focuses on a specific group of people and is a more in-depth and detailed type of treatment. In contrast, the community based approach focuses interventions of the entire community, using community or population based data. In the community-based approach, the interventions are designed to affect the health of the entire community at one time. In other words, the community or public health approach is focused on the entire community. To affect the health of the entire population, the public health nurse targets specific groups and designs interventions at multiple levels (individuals, aggregate or group, family and community). Concept of Community 4 Conclusion In conclusion, Public health nurses and other care providers face various roles and challenges when working within the community. It is vital that nurses understand the differences between direct and indirect services and aggregate care versus community based approached to health care and service delivery. Within a given community, multiple partners become vital to the health and well being of populations served. Aggregate care tends to focus more on individual services and individually appropriate methods of delivery. In many circumstances however, community and aggregate based approaches may be considered one in the same. Concept of Community 5 References Porche, J. (2004). Community Health Nursing Practice: A Population-Based Approach. Journal of Clinical Nursing, pp. 7-16. Kelly, L. , Sheeder, J. (2004). Teen Home Pregnancy Test Takers: More Worried or More Wishful? Pediatric Nursing Journal,13(3), 581-584. Frish, N. (2007). Concept of Community and Aggregate Care. Alternative Journal of Nursing, 14(7), 45-50. Reed, J. (2003). Aggregate Health Status: A Benchmark Index for Community Health. Journal of Medical Systems, 27(2), 177-189.

Reliance Fresh Essay

Reliance Retail a convenient store format, is governed by the Mukesh ambani and is the most important part of Reliance Industries retail Business. It also comprises more than 2000 reliance stores(October 2014) all over the country. The outlet sells foods, groceries, apparel s and footwear. A distinctive Reliance Fresh outlet is around 3000 to 4000 sq. feet and accommodates catchment area of one to three Kilometers. Reliance retail is spread over 155 cities. History of Reliance Retail The Reliance Retail had to face various difficulties before the launch of Reliance fresh, because of the various circumstances prevailing in Orissa, West Bengal and UP, along with the news focusing on the dearth of vegetables and fruits stocks. The retail business of Reliance then minimized its exposure in vegetable and fruit business, as a result established Reliance fresh positioning a pure super market play focusing on various categories like IT, consumer durables, home, FMCG and food. The retail company of Reliance may not supply the vegetables and fruits in a few states, the Reliance Fresh decided to not to race with local wholesalers partly because of the incapability to maintain a healthy supply chain. The first ever a Reliance Fresh store was established in Hyderabad, wherein the company, mainly focused on the fresh produced vegetables and fruits at comparatively low price. Subsidiaries and Divisions: 1.Reliance Fresh: Retail outlets of fruits, vegetables &groceries. 2.Reliance Digital: Consumer electronics retail stores. 3.Reliance jewels: Jewellery 4.Reliance Timeout: Stores of books, music, movies 5.Reliance Market: Wholesale cash n carry Objectives:- To provide high quality products for the customers. To reduce spoilage through its supply chain & logistic networks. To enrich  customer’s shopping experience through customized offer & ‘value for money’ merchandise. To foster relationship with partners. To increase agribusiness in india and timely payments to farmers. To reduce gap between customer and manufacturer.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Exchange of letters Essay

This book is about the exchange of letters between two ladies named Urbana and Felisa; and through these letters Fr. Modesto de Castro made known the desirable behavior that everyone-young and old, women and men-should observe in dealing with other people well. It is thought by many that the ideal conduct described in this book should be emulated by Filipinos and should not be cause for embarrasment even in these days. Filipinos do not need an Emily Post to teach them good manners because we already have Father de Castro who left behind golden rules which Filipinos ought to follow not only then but even now and in the time to come. In these times when our societies are dominated by new patterns of behavior and when even laws governing the home have changed and been swept away by the winds buffeting our shores brought about by Western values, now, more than at any other time, there is a need to return to the past periodically. This is not to strip ourselves bare of new ways which we have donned in entering into new relation- ships, but to see mirrored in the waters glimpses of a beautiful and glorious past. What we experienced is inscribed in the book of life thus: ‘Those who fail to look back at the past/will never arrive at their destination. â€Å") (Those of you who are mothers who have the duty to teach your chil- dren those great truths announced in the Sacred Scripture, you shouldstrive to fulfill these weighty responsibilities for which you have to account before God. ) (The knowledge that teaches a person how to deal with his/her neighbor comes from love of one’s neighbor; love of neighbor comes from love of God. Thus, one who loves God knows how to deal with his/her neighbor well, and anyone who does not know should strive to learn, because this knowledge springs from good action which God delights in. Those who know how to deal with their neighbor possess good man- ners, for they are careful that their action, behavior, and speech are within certain boundaries pleasing to God and to their fellowmen. Thus, this knowledge is a precious gem to a woman, honor to a gen- tleman, ornament to a young man, beauty and loveliness associated with good behavior that captures the heart. But if you neglect your responsibilities, allow them to grow lacking in guidance, stripped of good manners, and forced to account for them- selves before God, and when the time comes for them to live their lives, and you see only bad harvest, woe to you; you will be blamed because you have been neglectful parents. ) (The name ‘Urbana† connotes good manners. In her letters to her sis- ter Felisa, a young woman, a child, a married couple, a young man can learn some lessons to suit their various conditions. From Felisa a young woman can learn how to avoid dangers to her purity; and Felisa’s proper behavior can guide anyone who wants to preserve her goodness and modesty. ) (And if from the examples I proferred, you mothers would deign to pick up some lessons, internalize and observe them, and I witness how your children have profited from your labor to make the lessons bear fruit, can you guess what I will say? I will say that I have come across good fortune, for I am like the sower and the seeds I scattered fell on good soil. Before you say anything, reflect on it first, and follow St. Augustine’s advice, that any utterance must be measured, and weighed by the mind. Be careful, for an evil word once spoken can never be taken back again. When speaking, avoid gesticulating excessively, speak quietly so as not to shatter the listener’s eardrums; neither is it proper to speak too deliberately because a person who is too full of himself, apart from having little credibility, becomes a butt of joke and a source of irrita- tion to the listener. When the hand, the face or the clothes become dirty, clean up first before going to school. . . . When talking to another, avoid showing timidity, speak forthrightly, do not speak with too much sweetness or affectation, do not scratch, or scrub the hand nor wet the finger with saliva to scrub . . . . Do not give half-eaten or dirty food to another. ) (Even a strong body weakens, gets sick and even though still young, it ages prematurely and dies due to excessive drinking. The most san- guine color fades, and the face becomes pale, . The agility of youth, the excitement of middle life, the splendor of beauty wither away; all these wine makes a mockery of. ) (In time, after numerous dalliances, her honor is shattered, her fami- ly’s reputation is tarnished while the townsfolk tattle, but the most painful is the loss of the souls of these unfortunate women, and the many people who sinned because of these women’s bad examples. Who will God blame for these sins but the negligent parents? ) (First, the couple must be alike in class and character. Second, love must exist. Third, love must be in moderation. Fourth, they should trust each other. Fifth, the woman must not be much richer than the man. Sixth, the couple must be of the same age, or almost the same age. Seventh, the woman’s beauty must not be extraordinary. Eighth, both must be peace-loving and despise sinful merrymaking. Ninth, neither must be fond of incessant gambling. Tenth, they should neither be miserly nor prodigal. Eleventh, both should be industrious and despise laziness. Twelfth, both should avoid ostentatious display. Thirteenth, both should possess inner strength and endurance. ) Walking in a studied manner is not appropriate, nor is provocatively swaying the hips nor coyly glancing at a young man proper, because a woman will be faulted for breach of decorum. ) (When a young woman, through the way she walks, acts and uses her eyes, displays anything that runs counter to proper behavior, she in effect is inviting a man to treat her scornfully. ) (The world is a place of suffering, where pain comes from the parent, the spouse and child, and from other members of the family. If a woman’s threshold of suffering is low, marriage will offer no fulfillment. ) (If you, Felisa, can endure the pain, embrace the heavy cross invari- ably placed on the shoulders of a married woman, I say accept this weighty burden. if you strive . . . to follow the path of goodness and holiness that are a woman’s treasures, and which Solomon searched for and that the Holy Spirit praised, then 1 say to you, accept the sac- rament of matrimony. )

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Rizal: Bayaning Third World

At the part where in Rizal almost burn the manuscript of Noli Me Tangere made me think that it was a symbol of him letting go of what he strongly believed in connection to him not involved with â€Å"Himagsikan†. He became hopeless and I think he became afraid of death, probably, However, since he continued the publishing of Noli Me Tangere, I believe, he gained back his strong convictions regarding our democracy and showed his nationalism and patriotism. I thought what I know about Rizal was enough to understand his life, works and writing but having finished this independent film widened my understanding not only for Rizal’s positive sides but also for his flaws. Jose Rizal being a national hero considering his great influence not only in the Philippines but to other countries he had gone also with his works, the great impact he left with our history as a country and culture as its citizen, his weight to some indigenous religions also has his own flaws and faults because he is also a human being capable of doing those things. Less people know Rizal’s â€Å"dark side†Ã¢â‚¬â€ controversies, I myself was one of those before I watched this film. We were focused on his good side, his achievements and contributions for the betterment of our country but having the chance to know his flaws which until now haunts him, we must understand him and not condone the fact that he was still a human being. Rizal really don’t want to be a hero, he just wanted to prove his great passion and love for our country. Indeed, Rizal chose to die because it was one way to give weight to his beliefs and philosophy. We all have our own Rizal. We have different perceptions and understanding regarding his life, works and writings. As for me, though he is not as â€Å"perfect† as a national hero should be, I still salute and look up to him for his immense contributions and grand legacy which is applicable until now. Despite his imperfection, it didn’t lessen his heroism. In fact, his controversies made his life more interesting and it only made him more famous not only during his time but now and in the future generations. I didn’t get surprised that many critiqued his life but for me he is still the rd world hero of all time. How can we become Rizal in our own little ways? By following simple rules and regulations and by paying the right tax. There are a lot more and it is up to you to think of whatever way it suites you. Let us be a modern-day Rizal to continue his legacy for the future generation. Bayaning Third World is a film of substance. It is very appealing and is highly recommended for other stu dents studying Rizal. It is effective for my learning. Even if our 1-peso coin is in constant devaluing, Rizal still remain number one in our hearts.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Continuum of care for maternal, newborn, and child health in Australia Essay

Continuum of care for maternal, newborn, and child health in Australia - Essay Example 181). Australia is one of the countries experiencing such problems, particularly in the rural areas. Consequently, the government invests a lot of money in the health care sector. The government had planned to develop and implement locally appropriate evidence based sustainable models of service delivery that included a strong health promotion and prevention focus. Many criticisms were noted during this period. Some people especially from the urban areas believed that the government had already done enough and the introduction of such programs would only waste public money. Consequently, health action by both the Australian government and the society can ensure a continuum of care for maternal, newborn, and child health. The Australian government needs to reconsider the provision of a complete harmonized family-centered service system to succeed in providing continuum care for maternal, newborn, and child health (Kuhlthau, Sheila, Jeanne, Alixandra & Diane et al 2011, p. 137). A synchronized structure of early childhood services that can respond to the upcoming and varying needs of mothers and infants in the rural areas is essential. It aids in achieving better results for children. Moreover, the systems are aimed at ensuring that people and the society become friendlier to children and mothers by providing comprehensive services (Kuhlthau, Sheila, Jeanne, Alixandra & Diane et al 2011, p. 137). The agenda can further improve the level of maternal and child health (MCH) services, especially in the rural areas by creating service systems that concentrate on the needs of family, infants and the society at the local level. Maternal and child health is a section of rural service network that comprises of local organizations, intercession services for early childhood, issues of family conflicts and parenting (Costello, Bernice, Adrian and Barbara 1998, p.169).

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Experience education at Babson College Scholarship Essay

Experience education at Babson College - Scholarship Essay Example Coming to the United States from Egypt after the Arab Spring has given me a new outlook in life pertaining to the business community of the Middle East that I have become quite passionate about. While the whole world seems to look at the Middle East, Egypt in particular as a civil war waiting to happen, what I see is a country that is on the verge of a new beginning. With that new beginning comes new opportunities in the business world that one must learn to recognize and utilize in its infancy in order to be ahead of the pack once the economy of Egypt begins to pick up again. I am particularly interested in the way the business sector can help to stabilize the Egyptian currency in the future. Without a stable currency, economic recovery and growth for the country will be next to impossible. Therefore, I have began to envision and predict the kind of economic policies that the Egyptian government might wish to implement in the future. I chose to envision something that has not happen ed yet because economic policies are developed over time through the cooperation of the business sector, actuarians, and various economic professionals whose sole concentration is the prediction of future economic trends. These are the people who become the business movers and shakers of the future. I wish to become one of those people. My passion is to learn all that I can about how to predict these business trends and how to best get on the ground floor with the business plan in order to ensure future success.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The role of women in the Israeli army today Assignment

The role of women in the Israeli army today - Assignment Example Even though such contributions are considerably informal, they take a center play in the course of conflicts. In essence, women involvement in the military spans three thousand years into the past throughout different cultures and nations. Currently,† women in uniforms† serve in the armed forces although the majority of the combatants have predominantly been men. Women service in the military has been a controversial subject in the women welfare circles. Despite the diverse but limited roles of women in the military, their contributions in the combat have been significant. The women who have participated in the military have expressed commendable competencies that have motivated women fresh women the American civil war, women dressed just like men and participated in the armed conflict. This paper exemplifies the contribution of women in the military activities in the current era. On May 26th, 1948, the Israeli prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, ordered for the conscription of both single and married women who were born between 1920-1930 into the Israeli Defense Forces. The women served under the umbrella body of Women Corpse and were tasked with the responsibilities such as nursing, signal operations, driving, clerical work, and cooking for the militants. Some of the early women soldiers to be conscripted into the Israeli Defense Forces include Yael Rom, who was the first female pilot to be trained by the Israeli Air Force and later conscripted in 1951. In September 1969, Hava Inbar was appointed the judge of the military court in Haifa. Hava Inbar said, â€Å"I am glad that I was appointed; it proves that the Israeli Defence Force leaves almost all doors open for its female soldiers.† This statement is an assertion of the milestone involvement in the Israeli military. Before the establishment of the Israeli state, women correctly served in combat roles in the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Asian Film term paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Asian Film term paper - Essay Example In the East, everything is bound by traditions and the ones revolting against this cruelty are either banished from the society or are abandoned or locked up. The purpose of this paper is to figure out and analyze about the lives of the women, to the modern concepts of individualism vs. the old traditional concepts. Following their identity how they are kept and what happens will all be described in the context of three of the Asian films Peking Opera Blues, Water and Rouge. Three of the films depict more or same the story of women, their loyalty, freedom followed by traditions. Let us take a look and analyze the story with supporting evidence and arguments. A. Peking Opera Blues: Directed by Tsui Hark Peking Opera Blues is one of the finest films one comes across of 1986 depicting the portrayal of a woman and her loyalty. The general’s daughter has been much in focus showing her loyalty and bonds with the customs and the traditions. She is always loyal, obeying her father, no t participating or standing with men and when tagged with betray, she still is on her father’s side (Tao ma tan, 1986). The director’s first bold step was to cast three women in a serious role. It was conflicting as no other director ever casted three women with the leading role other than stupid, foolish or jerk acts. The second step the director took against the traditions was the touching scene of the two women but they were not projecting their needs or greed as it was not a stereotypical role or image of the women. The third step was the impression people had for them as being women as a symbol of a lower status (Tao ma tan, 1986). Analyzing the above movie, what we see is that a woman as a tool to be suppressed, treated as a toy saying yes every now and then to either the right or the wrong. Her freedom lays in the hands of others either husband, his father or his brother, her decisions are to be taken by a man who is stronger in position and her fate is decided by them. She does not have her identity, feelings, and emotions. She has to be loyal, putting her head in front of a sword if commanded and still the men in these societies do not let them breath in fresh air. Quoted by Charlotte Bronte I am not a bird to entangle me: I am a human being, free of my will and independence. These people do not let their daughters, mothers, wives or sisters to live independently, with freedom of will, power and expression. They are bound to follow the customs and traditions followed by the society and their revolt leads them to a fatal life. The overall impact of the movie is reflecting how a positive, loyal, honest and truthful a woman could be. B. Water: Directed by Deepa Mehta the film holds the breath of a person to see what actually people do on the other side of the world. The role of the women portrayed in this film is very meek, worthless and a symbol of one’s pleasures. The director projected a woman being a worthless creature when her h usband dies and she has to be in a ashram for the rest of her life. The second thing was the forced prostitution. The third thing was the freedom in the end (Water, 2005). This is the male dominating society. Everything runs under his command. The traditions and customs have already made woman a worthless creature, living only to please a man, does his chores and sacrifice for him (Water, 2005). This is a true image of the society has been portrayed. However it has also been visibly